Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Anniversary Baba & Ma!

I made the card for my parents for their Anniversary with lots of hard work.I wrote a poem in Bengali for the fist time. The first draft was written in Hindi script but the dialect was in Bengali as I can only speak and not write in Bengali. I took help from the internet to write this. All I needed was a golden glitter pen and a colored sheet of paper

বাবা মা!

হাঁসি কান্না দেখাই না

তার মানে এই না

কি আমি তোমাদের ভালোবাসি না

আমার ভালোবাসা মাপা যায় না!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tangles happy and contented!

Relaxing in her couch in her house!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Mamma!

I made this video e-card for my mother on her birthday. It was fun fiddling with Photoshop. This time I couldn't give her anything except this. Since I started earning I gifted her a sari every birthday. Hence the concept of gifting her a whole wardrobe collection came to my mind. Also she has never indulged on anything. She just neglects herself for us children. We are her dreams. So I want her to enjoy the vices of life and forget for once her goodness! So I created not seven but twelve deadly avatars of her!

Uploaded by syluette. - Discover videos of people, family and friends.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Simba's night out:Cake Walk!

We took Simba for a cake walk and we landed on Cafe Coffee Day. Simba sat on a chair below a huge umbrella shed and licked icecream. He loved the food and enjoyed all the attention from every passerby.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hatchi- The fortunate one

Fortune made Hatchi find me!

It is a fortune how Hatchi found me! Suddenly he came from nowhere and followed me from a safe distance.He was scared to come near me but he kept pace with me from behind. Whenever I try to reach him by calling him softly, he would just shrink away. So I never attempt to touch him but somehow he touches me! Gradually he began to trust me and the distance between us slowly came to close proximity. He came nearer and nearer much closer to my heart.Tonight as I walked Simba, Hachi came along. As we walked together outside Hachi's safe territory, Hachi fought with a gang of dogs while I helped him chase them away with a huge stick. His confidence in me was evident as he listened to me when I called him. Today for the first time I patted him gently over his head and he ate 4 biscuits out of my hand! It was indeed my good fortune to meet him. He brings me joy and gives me a sense of security as I know there is always Hachi behind me!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Roadatian New Chapter

The mischievous one turned out to be a she not he! Her new lease of life is turning out to be very exciting and full of fun.

I am delighted to see her settled and happy. She is named Tangles! She is seen busy entangling her owner's life!

Another day in the life of Simba

Simba is having a ball playing with his ball!He feels the world is inside his mouth! He is busy playing with his mouth full!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A day in the life of Simba: Eating his food

Dressed to dine! Simba is at his dining table! Not ready to eat!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Today's scoop of the day

He is busy processing his food. Today's poop of the day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Night Crusaders- They come and disappear

The homeless mother and daughter come and dine with us every night! They guard the street at night doing their nightly duties as vigilantes. They prowl the street in their shining black armors keeping the city free of crime with their vigilante justice. In the morning I don't know where they disappear!Stray by day and masked crusaders by night!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Recalled to life

Naughty our pet dog was devoted to my brother. Whenever, my brother used to go out of station, he would beseech him not to go by sitting inside the suitcase. When my brother left, after consoling him, Naughty would wait for him for days without eating anything. After coaxing him a lot he would eat on the third day.

A month before his death my brother came to us. Naughty was very happy. He couldn’t walk a few days before but with his master he had the longest walk of his life! Nobody could have guessed that he was sick. Now that I think of it my mum had said that he was just waiting for my brother to see him for the last time.

In his last days Naughty drew more close to us. He could not walk; even then he would drag himself next to my mother. When he was bedridden, he would whine for us. He did not want us to leave him even for a second. He bravely fought for his life to live with us. Yet God took him away. One day I saw a hole in his grave! For a moment I thought he had come out and would come back home soon!

Naughty however did not see my brother in his last moments. He was gone for about a month when my brother returned to us. I wet my pillow thinking about Naughty and asked him “Would you not come to see your beloved Master?”

Next day I heard my brother say that he saw Naughty sitting by his side in the bed the previous night!


I don't have a picture of Chutku but I have slotted a place for her in my mind's album.
I have a picture of her pups though.

I first met Chhutku when she used to loiter around shops for scraps of food. She was slender and beautiful. Her big, gorgeous, dark doe eyes keep looking at me even now! They were stretched, sharp, kind and full of hope.

One day while I was walking by the street, I saw her padding her way without a care of the world. I can’t imagine how her feet made its way into the wheel spoke of a running cycle! People just stood there like innocent bystanders, watching her shriek in pain as she was dragged with her leg stuck in the running cycle. After realising what was going on, the bicycle rider stopped. Nobody would go and rescue her. Fortunately she wrung herself free and disappeared. Perhaps she didn’t want any one to watch her writhe in pain. I was worried whether she would survive. I searched everywhere and found her hiding down a drain. I called her but she was reluctant to come out. She was scared stiff! Finally with a lot of coaxing with food, she limped out. I was glad she trusted me and ate the food that was given to her. From then on I gave her food every day. Slowly she came back to her old self and started scampering around the streets again. Her hurt foot recovered soon. God healed her! I guess, God protects those who need him most. Whenever she saw my car she would come running. When I return home every day, she would invariably wait for me at the exact hour. She was so grateful, even though we did so little for her. We watched her grow mature. Then the day came when the males started hounding her. They fought wars for her and she kept running from them. But she couldn’t escape. Can anyone run from one’s own nemesis? She ran helter shelter but nobody would give refuge to her. No one would adopt her including myself for which I repent time and again! I lived in an apartment where they don’t allow dogs and I had already one at home.

Few months later she gave birth. She would not leave the young ones for even a minute. Not even for food. I had to coax her into eating but she would eat little just to satisfy me and rush back to her motherly duties. Sometimes she would not come to me also. On 11 September 2009, I realized, I didn’t see her for two days at a stretch. I thought she would come back but she didn’t and her pups were helpless without her. I knew she would be the last person on earth to abandon her pups! I searched for her in all the places she was likely to be. I left no stone unturned for her but found no trace. Later I learned from few people that a family had complained to the municipality corporation to take her away as she was littering the area with her pups, where they lived. So they took her away. The truth sank into my head Chhutku was no more. This happened in Shanthinagar, Pondicherry.

For God’s sake she had just become a mother! She was only six months old! Her 2 days old pups needed her. They would die without her! Is it impossible to feel for her just because she was a dog? Did she suffer less pain when she was beaten to death? How different is she from us? I am sure she shrieked in pain and cried for help just like any of us if we were in her place! Why do we turn deaf ears to those who are dependent on us? The man who killed her and the people who ordered it will they be punished for this heinous crime? Where is justice? Not in this world!

I did what I could do at least to save her six female pups. I fed them and kept them alive until I found an animal shelter for them. But they have very little money to look after all the dogs abandoned every day. Nobody is willing to adopt these dogs. I can’t even imagine anyone adopting female dogs!

Gabar Singh and Basanti

I first met them on my way back home. I bent over a caressed one little pup on the road. Suddenly I found myself surrounded by five big dogs! I was taken by surprise. They were waging their tails.I realized they wanted to be caressed too! So I patted all of them. among them were Gabbar Singh and Basanti. They were a hit pair together. They always went together every where. From then on every time I passed that same road they would follow me till the end whenever they saw me. I use to give them some snack whenever I could. They would accompany where ever I went on foot. By car of-course they couldn't keep track of me. When Basanti was gone he was alone. He use to enter my house unannounced! I would suddenly find him on the corridor and kitchen wagging his tail.
One particular day we were on our way to a restaurant and he followed as usual. Inside the restaurant he knew he couldn't come so he waited at the stairs. We could see him while we were eating. We took some of the food to treat him on the way back.
When we were shifting from the location he came out of the blue! He hadn't come for a long time! I don't know how he knew but he came to say goodbye!