Saturday, January 22, 2011

Simba's Second Coming

Simba is the apple of our eye. He is with us for twelve years. It was a miracle how he came to our life. My parents never wanted to keep pets though I begged them to buy me one. My wish was granted when a friend of father’s asked us to keep their dog till they come back from vacation. I leaped at the opportunity of being in the company of a puppy. His name was Prince, a White German Spitz. Since then we couldn’t bare to part with him as we became emotionally attached to him. So Prince became Naughty our pet. Naughty was Simba’s father. We wanted to keep Naughty with us through his son even when he is no more. So we crossed Naughty and we got Simba. But my father vehemently opposed it. There was a huge domestic dispute over keeping Simba with us. My father was unhappy and angry with us because we didn’t listen to him. He even said that he would throw the puppy into the sea and proceeded to do so! But the little one understood and went behind me, under the bed while I stopped my father to go anywhere near Simba. Under these dire circumstances how could a small puppy survive! The negative anti vibration took a heavy toll on little Simba and he died under mysterious circumstances. We couldn’t bear to part with Simba. So we crossed Naughty again and prayed to God that he must return Simba back to us. So on 20th December 1998 Simba was born again to Steffy , a female Pomeranian. Simba’s mother’s owner wanted to give away the six pups and we wanted to keep one. But again we couldn’t keep Simba as my father was home. But God was with us, my mother’s friend agreed to keep Simba for the time being. So it was decided that Simba will be kept in the foster home till we can buy time to Keep Simba with us. So without my father’s knowledge I carried little Simba on a bag to his foster mother like Vasudev did to Lord Krishna. I stealthily went to see Simba everyday. Simba was taken good care off and was growing healthy and strong. As soon as my father went out of station, that very moment we brought Simba home. Everything was settled with father via letter exchange. Now Simba is there with us filling the void Naughty has left us with. But who will console us in Simba’s absence? This worries us all the time as we cannot defy father again.

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